Up and down is the flow.
We’re up and we’re down, all the way around. Everyone is in this the same, still everything is so different for everyone. Quarantine is hitting me kind of hard, and sometimes I don’t know what I need to do.
It’s 2 weeks now, 2 weeks of isolation, no work, no workout time for me. It’s just me, my boyfriend and a basil plant who we call “Bassie”. Our house never was this clean, windows, clothes even the garden had some time alone with me. It’s like I’ve never felt this relaxed and anxious at the same time, scary times..
For me on the one side, my boss demands a few things from me, on the other side I’m completely ignored. Oh, and a new side is pulling. But all of this uncertainty makes me push my “normal” status away. I don’t want to do mail or any of that stuff. I just want to play games, exercise in the garden and chill.
Just wondering if it’s a bad thing to take some extra rest cause you needed it anyway? What if we do exactly what we need to do, nothing more. and take that spare time to recover mentally? Wouldn’t the world be a nicer place when we will come out of quarantine? Cause almost everyone is mentally “recharged”.
It’s like the world is hitting a reset button and we need to react to it! So I’m trying to reset my head, trying to not pay attention to all the stress what is happening. Hopefully, we’ll be going to be just fine when this is all over.
So I hope we will have a safe time for now and this time won’t take to long for everyone. So stay safe! Please, take care of yourself and the people near to you!